Get entertained

Bring your special event alive with a story handed down from deep cultures. 
Click here to book Simon Hodges or the Fecund Wetan for your live event.

The teller

Simon Hodges is a renowned Amsterdam storyteller who carries a rich bag of Celtic, European and Persian myths and folk tales. A spontaneous, exhilarating performer, he sees storytelling as ceremony, where the old stories aid enquiry into our collective myth.

The band

The Fecund Wetan bring the interactive delight of stories, complete with improvised music.  Simon Hodges, Gij Anders van Straalen and Dolan Jones source old stories and score them with scintillating live accompaniment.

The night

Each month we mix old myths, with stunning music in the sitting room of the soul that is Toon. See our events page for more details

“He calls down something of mythic dimensions;
it touches everyone in the room, it pulls all the story threads together;
it creates a sudden community.”

Brian Fitzgerald, Dancing Fox


Discover the magic of storytelling yourself